Sunday, November 5, 2017

Words and Music at Quinn Violins

For the life of me, I don't know why more poetry readings don't incorporate more live music. Of course, I have little experience in organizing readings, and I've never collaborated with musicians, so I'm part of the problem. But I've just returned from an inspiring trip to Quinn Violins in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Quinn Violins is more than just a music shop. The building includes studio space for musicians and some musicians offer classes there. Today's collaboration between poets and musicians featured the poets Ardie Medina, Michael Kiesow Moore, and Thomas R. Smith. They were joined by the Asiginaak Singers and cellist Lars Krogstad Ortiz.
In truth, more than collaboration was at play. Ardie Medina, in addition to reading her poetry, also sang with the two other members of the Asiginaak Singers. Robert Smith followed reading his own work by strapping a guitar over his shoulder and transforming himself into Jim Morrison and John Lennon.
But the highlight for me -- and I'm indebted to Michael Kiesow Moore for generously blurbing my chapbook -- was his collaboration with cellist Lars Krogstad Ortiz. Michael read, with Lars accompanying him on the cello with music that he must have composed with the poems in mind. The music added a degree of depth and texture that amplified the poetry rather than interfering with it.
It was perhaps the most entertaining and inspiring poetry events I've been to in long time.
The event took place in a small room lined with violins, appropriately enough. And isn't a rather poetically named music store -- Quinn Violins -- an appropriate setting for a musically infused poetry reading.